Sunday, April 18, 2010

When life gives you lemons...make lemonade! How the wind changed my Saturday plans

As you saw on my Friday post, I hoped to be spending most of my Saturday at the first Dane County Farmer's Market in Madison, selling my art and enjoying the day. Indeed the day started out that way and I was happily setting up my booth and creating cute displays...

Canvases on the screen doors...check!

New collage clipboards and notebooks artfully arranged...check!

Artsy Fartsy pillows out and ready to sell...check!

But sadly, shortly after I had everything arranged just so, the winds picked up and things started to blow. When you sell art that is made of paper and fabric, wind is not a good thing and you will generally spend your day holding things down and running after what has blown down the street. With 10 to 30 mph gusts of wind, even the tent next to me blew completely on it's side. That's when we decided to pack it up and head home. Not exactly the way I wanted to spend my Saturday, but my mom and I decided to make the best of our day and we headed to a fun little estate sale and one of my favorite fabric shops!

Then later in the day I spent some time snapping pixs of some of my newest creations to share with you...

Fun new Artsy Fartsy pillows

Notice the backs of the pillows are made out of recycled men's button down shirts!

And a brand new tote bag for carrying my groceries!

Then as I was heading inside I noticed this...

Somebody or something has been nibbling on my new Spring pansies...notice how the left side of the pot is artfully mowed down and missing flowers! Little stinkers! The squirrels and chipmunks think my pansies are a salad bar!

Then I realized that I needed to head to the grocery store right away because...

I was all out of dog treats!!!! Now some of you might not think that this is an emergency, but my dog, Lulu, is a real killer and she needs her treats!!!!!!!!!

Here she is in her pumpkin costume from a few years ago!

So next Saturday I will head to the Farmer's Market again and hope for nice weather and no wind! But if those hopes are dashed away again by Wisconsin's unpredictable Spring weather...I will be making some more lemonade!

1 comment:

  1. Your creations are so creative and make me smile so much! Oh and Lulu does too!
    Jessica Regele



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